Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Lead judge: Best Plain Language Legal Document

Founder and Lead Trainer, Andrew Pegler Media, Melbourne, Australia

Andrew is Principal of Andrew Pegler Media Pty Ltd (APM). As an award-winning plain English editor, writer, and trainer, he believes that sometimes words are just not enough — especially clumsy, badly written ones.

Andrew leads APM’s plain English writing training and business writing teams. He’s been presenting plain English workshops across Australia and Asia since 2002.

Andrew has judged entries in the New Zealand Plain Language Awards annually since 2019. He also judged Australia’s Clear Communications Awards — Legal Category. His many interviews and profiles include ‘Interview With An Expert’ (US) and a European profile for French communication agency Avec des Mots. Andrew spoke on plain English in the law at the Clarity PLAIN International conference and also for three consecutive years at Victorian Law Week. Andrew was a presenter at the Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit on the new language of the law and banking. His essay, ‘The brand advantages of plain English contracts’, appeared in the prestigious Clarity Journal, the international journal promoting plain legal language.

APM has written and designed 180+ annul reports. APM is also a preferred supplier of plain English editorial services and training to the Australian Federal Government and the Victorian Government.

agrees with Albert Einstein that, ‘Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.’

View Andrew’s video in our gallery

Meet the judges for the Plain Language Awards

How the judging process works