Celebrating our winners and honouring their achievements!
We announced our plain language champions for 2022 at our Awards ceremony on 27 October, joined by people from around the world.
Scroll down for the full list of winners and finalists with links to their media statements and the judges’ comments on their entries.
Watch the 2022 Plain Language Awards ceremony on our YouTube channel
Winner: Wellington City Council
Finalist: Inland Revenue
Finalist: Aurecon
Finalist: Sawmill Brewery
Winner: Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Finalist: AA Insurance
Finalist: The Energy Collective
Winner: The Energy Collective
Finalist: Manukau Institute of Technology, now part of Te Pūkenga
Finalist: Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Winner: thinkstep-anz
Finalist: Xero Limited
Finalist: Mercer (N.Z.) Limited
Finalist: Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Winner: Communications and Creative Team, thinkstep-anz
Finalist: Helen Bradford, Capire
Winner: Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Finalist: Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Finalist: Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Winner: Mercer (N.Z.) Limited
Finalist: MoneyHub Group Limited
Winner: Ministry of Social Development
Finalist: Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Finalist: Auckland Council
Winner: WorkSafe
Finalist: Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Finalist: Health Quality & Safety Commission
Winner: Phil Belcher, Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Finalist: Communications and Creative Team, thinkstep-anz
Finalist: Plain Language, Health Literacy and Engagement Team, enliven Victoria