Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: Best Plain English Website — Public Sector / Non-Government Organisation (NGO) 2015

Inland Revenue

Website address

Judges’ comment

You’ve done a good job keeping the design clean and easy to follow. The layout is orderly and simple. The navigation is clear and you’ve made good use of white space.

The writing on this site is very good. It’s conversational, word choices are simple, and you’ve made good use of pronouns. You’ve explained complex ideas in simple ways. In some places you could use plainer words. Your audience should understand everything. Well done.

In general, this is a very good site. The site looks clean. It’s logical. And the writing is very good. Very well done.

Media statement

Inland Revenue is pleased to be a finalist for Best Plain English Website — Public Sector / NGO in this year’s WriteMark Plain English Awards.

The property section of Inland Revenue’s website was redesigned in July to better support customers and their needs. The section takes customers through the different stages of property ownership.

‘Inland Revenue works hard to help New Zealanders understand their tax obligations. We want the customer to get the right information and understand it without confusing technical jargon,’ said Inland Revenue’s Group Manager of Marketing and Communications Andrew Stott.

‘Customers often access the Inland Revenue website through a search engine, so our website needs to use the same clear and concise language a customer would use.

‘We try to keep the language simple and the messages easy to understand,’ Mr Stott said.

Inland Revenue would like to thank the WriteMark Plain English Awards for recognising our property website.