Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: Best Plain English Document — Private Sector 2014

Woods Creative Limited

Document name

PowerSmart DLE brochure and owner’s manual

Judges’ comment

An excellent document, in need of a plain English edit in some parts. Technical information explained very clearly. Procedures are clear. Owner’s manual is a good length.

Media statement

Woods the Creative Agency and PowerSmart Solar are honoured to be finalists for Best Plain English Document — Private Sector.

PowerSmart’s clear vision of more accessible solar electricity inspired the design and communication in each of our documents — which aim to simplify technical details and remove any barriers to an industry still unfamiliar to mainstream New Zealand.

Our documents are designed to introduce customers to solar electricity in a simple way, educating them on the benefits of choosing PowerSmart Solar, and making it easier than ever to start powering their life with sunlight.

Stephen Finnegan