A fond farewell to our longstanding trustee and chair | Gregory Fortuin
This year we farewell Gregory Fortuin as Chair of the WriteMark Plain English Awards Trust with bucketfuls of gratitude. A staunch supporter of the Awards for years, Gregory has decided it’s time to pass the mantle of Chair on to someone new.
Gregory has always had a passion for making a difference and helping people to transform their lives for the better. A wonderful spokesperson for the Awards on many occasions, Gregory knows how to get straight to the point. Poor communication disadvantages people. Plain language breaks down barriers and makes for a more equitable society.
Gregory continues to serve on many boards and trusts, both in business and in the community. You’ll likely continue to hear him in the media commenting on important issues that affect us all.
We are so grateful for everything Gregory has done for the Plain Language Awards as trustee, chair, plain language advocate and friend. We wish him well on the next part of his journey.
Kia ora Gregory
The Plain Language Awards team