Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Winner: Best Plain Language Turnaround 2022

The Energy Collective

Document name

Health & Safety Guide

Judges’ comments

This is an impressive turnaround from a boring, inaccessible, wordy document to something that is warm, meaningful, and practical. The difference between the old and the new document is like night and day.

Not only will this be an easy document for staff to read in their own time, it will also be an easy document to read in the event of an emergency. You’ve focused on presenting the most important information first. The content is relevant, engaging, concise, and easy to follow with many active-voice sentences and a friendly tone.

Huge congratulations to you for your commitment to staff wellbeing and for taking the time to proactively build the culture you want to see in the organisation. Clearly this was a thoughtful, values-driven exercise with real integrity.

Media release

The evolution of this document into plain language was part of a project at The Energy Collective to bring our culture to life in our employee guidelines.

With this health and safety document, we’re very happy with how we were able to embed our values of simplicity and care, in a way that was inclusive to our diverse team across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

We’re really proud to have won this award.

Emma Petersen
Culture & Engagement Specialist
The Energy Collective