Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: Best Plain Language Legal Document 2022

AA Insurance

Document name

Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy

Judges’ comments

We think the entrants’ summary of this policy is spot on.

In this document we make sure our customers know exactly what they are signing up for. No fine print. No grey areas. Just honest, well-organised information that keeps legal rigour while being clear and transparent.

The front page is clear and inviting. The layout and presentation are fairly clear. Short paragraphs and sentences break the information into manageable chunks.

The document frequently uses familiar alternatives to several technical insurance terms. Where technical words are used, they are clearly explained. Together with the use of ‘we’ and ‘you’, the clear language contributes to a friendly, professional tone.

This adds up to an admirable untangling of legalese.

Media statement

We’re thrilled to be recognised as finalists in this year’s Plain Language Awards in two categories: Plain Language Champion — Best Organisation, and Best Plain Language Legal Document, for our Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy. We are proud to champion the use of plain language by simplifying our insurance policies, so they are easy to read, understand and act on, to help us earn the trust of our customers. Plain language helps us put the customer at the heart of everything we do, ensuring they know exactly what they’re signing up for with no fine print or grey areas.

Earlier this year AA Insurance achieved WriteMark Plus accreditation for providing a high standard of plain language, which was user-tested with customers to ensure our policy wording is easy to understand and navigate. Our WriteMark Plus accreditation and recognition at the Plain Language Awards 2022 reflects our commitment to making insurance clear and easy to understand for all New Zealanders and our people.

Nicki Godfrey
Product Manager
AA Insurance