Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: Best Plain English Annual Report 2018

Statistics New Zealand

Document name

Statistics New Zealand’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017

Judges’ comments

This document wins most in its helpful structure, which is easy enough to get through. It was a strong example of reporting against specified objectives with a modern design aesthetic.

Media statement

Stats NZ is thrilled to be a finalist at this year’s Plain English Awards. We have deliberately embedded plain English as part of our open and transparent organisational culture. Our Annual Report is instrumental in demonstrating our value to New Zealand and we’ve put specific effort into telling our story in the most engaging way possible.

We try to apply the Stats NZ Plain English Standard to everything we write – from internal emails to news stories, insights about our data and statistics, and methodology papers. Recognition from the Plain English Awards is encouragement to continue on this course.

Angharad George

Director, Organisation Strategy and Performance