Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Winner: Plain English Champion — Best Individual or Team 2017

Steph Prince, NZ Transport Agency

Judges’ comments

What a great entry. Steph’s enthusiasm for applying, influencing, and supporting plain English came through loud and clear. The judges were impressed with the positive results achieved when plain English worked effectively with smart design. We also appreciated Steph’s acknowledgement of the team effort that was often required, giving an appropriate shout-out to the many others who played a part in the improvements evident in the supporting material submitted with her entry. The entry was superbly structured, elegant, and complete. It was easy for the judges to understand the ‘before and after’ aspects, making obvious the improvements that Steph had contributed to.

What a worthy winner of the best individual or team category. Great work!

Media statement

Plain English at the NZ Transport Agency is all about helping our customers make great transport choices, and keeping everyone safe on our roads.

We communicate with a huge number of customers every day, so it’s important that we give them the information they need consistently, clearly, and concisely. That’s no matter who they talk to, or where they read our information.

In my role as a Publishing Advisor, I’m dedicated to applying the plain English approach to everything I work on. We’re big on a teamed-up and collaborative approach to everything we do, so I spend a lot of time cheerleading and fighting for plain English during workshops, reviews, and approval processes.

I’m thrilled to have been announced as winner in the Plain English Champion – Best Individual or Team category. This fuels my fire to keep doing what I do, and it’s great to be recognised at this level!

Steph Prince
Publishing Advisor