Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Winner: People’s Choice — Best Plain English Communication 2017

Wellington City Council

Document name

Our Wellington — Tō Tātou Pōneke (winter 2017 edition)

Judges’ comment

What’s not to like? The document’s intention is clear and headings highlight the key messages.

Vibrant design, clear statement headings, friendly language, colourful, good variety. Successfully combines drier council initiatives with more exciting information on events.

This was a good piece of work, probably well liked by Wellingtonians.

Media statement

Our Wellington — Tō Tātou Pōneke is delivered to every household in Wellington City, so it’s important the content is user-friendly and appeals to a broad audience.

Using plain English is one way to make sure the information we’re sharing is compelling and easily understood by as many people as possible, whether we’re encouraging people to attend an event or asking for feedback on a plan.

We aim for our quarterly magazine to be like the city — attractive, progressive, and easy to get around. Feedback from readers shows our efforts are appreciated, which is very satisfying.

Cass Hesom-Williams
Senior Editor/Writer, Strategic Communications and Engagement team