Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: People’s Choice — Best Plain English Communication 2016

Communication tool

Employment Agreement Builder

Judges’ comments

We were very impressed with the overall design and usability of this online tool, and we think New Zealand’s many small business owners will find it very useful. The structure and commentary simplify a seemingly complex set of options. We particularly liked the tips, the highlighting of common mistakes, and the use of the three colour-coded clause types: Mandatory, Recommended, and Optional.

Media release is delighted to be a finalist for the People’s Choice — Best Plain English Communication for our Employment Agreement Builder. exists to make business easier for New Zealand’s 600,000 small businesses. We do this by packaging across government information into tools and resources designed to meet their needs. This means we focus on creating clear, easily understood content. Plain English standards are key part of this.

The WriteMark Awards are a great way to encourage organisations to focus on clear communications and plain English. We’d like to thank WriteMark and the sponsors for supporting this movement.

Matt Kennedy-Good