Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Finalist: Best Plain English Website — Private Sector 2014

Mercer (NZ) Limited

Website address

Judges’ comment

This is a very good website that deals in a readable way with what some may consider a very dry topic.

Media statement

For many of our customers, retirement is a long way off and preparing for retirement is not on their immediate to-do list. For example, maximising KiwiSaver benefits is one of those things everyone knows they should do but never get around to; finding information can also be daunting.

To engage with our customers and help them retire with more, we must be creative, innovative, clear, and concise. We must make it easy to act, while promoting financial understanding and complying with legal requirements.

Our dedicated Communications and Online teams always ensure that our customers can easily navigate the website and that the information is easy to understand and use.

We are delighted to be recognised at the WriteMark Plain English Awards for how we communicate with our customers via

Martin Lewington
Country Leader