Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators

Welcome to our new patron for the Plain English Awards

We’re thrilled to welcome Chloe Wright of the Wright Family Foundation as our new patron.

Chloe’s background and interests make her the perfect fit for the role of patron. The Trust and the working group that organises the Awards are thrilled to have her on board.

Chloe herself is equally thrilled!

‘I’m honoured that you’ve invited me to be patron of the Plain English Awards. I can see the huge potential in the Plain English Awards, and commend you for what you’ve achieved in the past 14 years. The Awards’ goals of making plain English a natural part of everyday business and government communication is something I strongly support.

‘So often people don’t want to say that they can’t understand an official document or form. They think it’s because they lack some knowledge or skill — when mostly the problem lies in the writing they’re trying to untangle.

‘I’m going to embrace being patron of the Plain English Awards, because I’m passionate about championing people’s right to understand.’

Read more about Chloe Wright
Find out more about the WriteMark Plain English Awards Trust