Plain Language Awards

Celebrate the stories of our clearest business communicators


Champion organisations and individuals are leaders in clear communication | Photo by Occasionalclimber on

Lynda Harris, Awards founder and CE of our principal sponsor Write, is a champion of champion plain language organisations. Read on to find out why.

I’ve always been proud to reserve sponsorship of the award for Plain Language Champion — Best Organisation for Write Limited. You’d have to wrestle it from me! That’s because the Champion award embodies all the qualities of people and organisations that have worked hard to empower others through plain language.

‘Champion’ means being ‘the winner’ — the best, the highest achiever, the standard-setter, the model for others to follow. And we applaud that! But also it includes the concept of being an advocate — or a champion for a cause.

Plain language champions believe in the power of clarity and are proud to share their ideals with the world.

Leadership sets a champion organisation apart

An organisation that wins the Plain Language Champion — Best Organisation category will have many characteristics that set it apart from others. A champion organisation will be able to show evidence of deliberately choosing to use plain language throughout the whole organisation. To do this successfully, they will have to make their expectations clear from the top.

For example, the chief executive and senior leaders of a champion organisation will talk about the ‘why’ of plain language. They and their management teams will encourage and support others to adopt a clear style of communicating both internally and externally. They won’t hold back from promoting the connection between clarity and their organisation’s values.

They will understand and be able to articulate the value that clear communication has for their organisation, their brand, their customers, and ultimately society as a whole.

Champion organisations celebrate the benefits of clear communication — things like greater job satisfaction and improved workplace culture, along with better customer retention, greater trust, and a reputation for doing good work.

Be inspired by the 2021 Best Organisation

The judges look for evidence in a winning champion portfolio

Evidence to back up your claims is essential to a winning portfolio! The judges look for evidence of a wholehearted commitment to making plain language the expected standard across the whole organisation. As a bonus, evidence of impact in the community will be compelling too.

In a plain language organisation, you’ll be able to see evidence that the CEO and senior team have stated their strong expectation for a culture of plain language. That means things like:

  • everyone considers their reader in every piece of communication, both internal and external
  • everyone knows what good looks like and writes to an agreed plain language standard
  • senior people and other advocates model plain language practice
  • helpful resources including plain language champions are readily available to help writers.

In other words, plain language is woven into the fabric of the organisation so that:

  • documents are consistently clear and reader-friendly
  • feedback and measurable results demonstrate the effect of plain language.

Individuals and teams are honoured too

The Awards also celebrate individuals and teams that have achieved great things with a plain language project. The Plain Language Champion — Best Individual or Team award honours the people who work hard to make plain language a reality in their organisation.

The award is open to individuals or teams who have significantly contributed to a plain language initiative in any New Zealand or Australian organisation. For example, you might have:

  • convinced senior management or others of influence to support a plain language initiative
  • led a plain language project — large or small
  • run training or team meetings on plain language topics
  • helped other writers to produce clear, reader-friendly content
  • written newsletter articles or intranet resources about plain language topics
  • rewritten template letters into plain language.

Feel free to nominate yourself, your team, or someone else you work with.

Meet the 2021 Best Individual or Team

Write’s sponsorship celebrates plain language organisations

Lynda explains what’s behind Write sponsoring the Champion category.

You can see that everything about this category is dear to Write’s heart. Our purpose is to use words for the power of good by helping organisations and individuals get more value and impact from business communication. Ultimately we help build a fairer, more respectful society.

We see the Plain Language Awards as another way we can showcase the benefits of clear communication. Sponsoring the Champion category is one way we can celebrate other organisations doing their bit towards a society where people are able to participate more easily.

Read about Write and its B Corp status

Get your entry portfolio ready!

Entries must be in by 31 July and the Champion categories need a portfolio of evidence — so don’t delay!

Read the entry criteria and prizes for the Champion categories

See other clues that your organisation is a champion of clear communication

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Shine the light on clear communication | Photo of colourful lights and reflections on Whairepo Lagoon by Ann Kilpatrick on Excio

Write and its sister company WriteMark are the founding sponsors of the Plain Language Awards — raising the bar for clear communication in New Zealand, and now in Australia too. Both Write and WriteMark are continuing their support for the Awards in 2022 as major sponsors.

Write chief executive Lynda Harris sees sponsorship of the Plain Language Awards as another way Write can champion the positive impact that clear communication has on people’s lives.

Lynda says:

We support the Awards because they celebrate clear communication in business and government organisations. Everyone who enters the Awards, or who nominates a People’s Choice entry, is doing their bit to make the world a clearer place.

We believe that everyone in the community has the ethical and democratic right to understand communications that are central to their lives — government forms, legal documents, financial applications and agreements, terms and conditions, and more.

Ultimately, we want people to be able to understand important information. When that information is as clear as possible, they can make decisions more easily — especially those related to health, financial, and legal matters.

Let’s get the plain language message out

The Awards celebrate the communicators who create clear, accessible documents and websites. And in doing so, the Awards help to share the message that we all benefit from plain language in everyday life.

Plain language enables us all to participate more easily in society and make important legal, financial, and health decisions based on better understanding. That’s got to be a good outcome!

Check out the Awards categories for 2022

Are you willing to join the call for clear communication?

A plain language approach to communication means truly committing to putting customers and colleagues first — a culture-changing shift in how business and society operate. Our sponsors are joining the call for fairer, clearer communication from all sectors.

If you’re interested in supporting the 2022 Plain Language Awards, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you and have you on our team.

Meet our sponsors

Become a sponsor

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It’s time for clarity like these crystal clear reflections at Lake Dunstan, Bendigo in Otago, New Zealand | Photo by Stewart Watson on Excio

With entries for the 2022 Awards opening very soon, we’ve been making a few changes at Awards Central!

Welcome to our new Awards coordinator

First of all, we welcome our new Awards coordinator, Shelly Shah, to the Awards Working Group. Shelly will be helping us with all aspects of the 2022 Awards — from organising the entry process and confirming sponsors and judges, right through to coordinating the Awards ceremony in late October. You’ll hear more from Shelly as we move through the various phases of the Awards.

Write Limited is proud to sponsor the Awards and provides administrative support as part of its sponsorship.

New year, new name

Have you noticed a slight change in our branding? Yes, the Awards are now called the Plain Language Awards.

Some of you commented in the survey at the end of 2021 recommending this change. Like you, we hope that changing the name of the Awards will make the event even more inclusive. And our trustees agreed unanimously with the proposal.

Changing the name of the Awards reflects the general shift to talk about ‘plain language’ in many community and business contexts, rather than ‘plain English’. You’ll have noticed that the Plain Language Bill that’s going through New Zealand’s Parliament also uses ‘plain language’ in its title!

The term ‘plain English’ is still relevant in international contexts when we wish to talk about plain English contrasted with, for example, plain Japanese or plain Spanish.

Awards founder Lynda Harris says:

We’ve been keen to update the name of the Awards for some time. But we knew we’d have a lot to do even though we’re only changing one word! We decided to make it happen for 2022. The Awards have been running for an incredible 17 years and this change feels like a fantastic refresh of our brand!

Awards patron Chloe Wright says:

‘Language’ is so relevant to today.

Our fabulous designer and long-term sponsor, Craig Christensen of Graphic Solutions, has been working his magic and is updating our branding elements and the website.

Thanks for your feedback on the 2021 Awards

Thanks to everyone who replied to our survey with their feedback. You can read the results of the survey on our website. Overall you thought the online ceremony worked well, enabling more people to join from around New Zealand and the rest of the world. And it’s great to hear that you agree the Awards are still making a difference!

Find out what people said about the Awards in 2021

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It’s time to celebrate! | Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

With preparations for our cyber-ceremony in full swing, you can now register your place to attend.

Register for the 2021 Plain English Awards ceremony

What you can look forward to at this year’s event

This year, for the first time, we’re running our celebrations online. While we’ll miss celebrating with people in person, our aim is to make this year’s event super special in its own way.

Our MC James Elliott is bound to delight

Now in his fifth year as MC of the Awards, lawyer and comedian James Elliott is a firm highlight at our ceremonies. James is back this year and guaranteed to entertain.

Find out more about James

Bring your supporters along — we can host more people online

With no limits to seat numbers, we’d love you to invite as many of your supporters to join you at the ceremony as possible. In the past, we’ve often had to limit spaces to 150 people — but that’s not a problem this year!

Our overseas entrants and supporters can easily join us

We’ve always extended an invitation to our ceremony to both our domestic and international supporters. However, often the overseas contingent isn’t able to make it. Happily (and time differences aside), that’s not a problem this year either!

We opened up entries to Australia for the first time this year

Read about our international panel of judges

Celebrate International Plain Language Week at the same time

Our Awards ceremony is right in the middle of International Plain Language Week. This gives you a readymade way to get involved in an international event that celebrates clarity.

So, don’t hang about — register your place at the 2021 Plain English Awards ceremony

Thanks again to our sponsors for their commitment to the (plain language) cause

We have an incredible line-up of sponsors this year. We’d like to thank them all for their support.

Read about this year’s sponsors

Posted In: 2021 Awards ceremony, 2021 Plain English Awards, Australian clear communication awards, Awards ceremony, Communications, Finalists, Judges, People's Choice awards, Plain English Awards

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James Elliott asks and answers a common question | Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

As our Awards MC James Elliott recently pointed out in an article on Newsroom, sometimes it’s easier to work out what something is by first working out what it is not.

In the case of plain language, it’s not the passages of writing that leave you scratching your head. Rather, it’s those passages that pass you by unnoticed that are at the heart of plain language.

‘The best example of plain English is a grouping of words that almost passes us by unnoticed because it doesn’t require a second thought or consideration. We understood what it meant the first time around.’

Image, Newsroom article

Read James Elliott’s article in praise of plain English

Posted In: 2021 Plain English Awards, Plain English Awards

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We celebrate the generous support of our friends | Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

One of the goals behind the Awards is to create a fairer society through improving people’s access to important communications. We acknowledge that this is an ambitious goal, but it’s one that moves a step closer to reality with every bit of support we get.

Among our supporters are our judges, who are all expert plain language specialists from around the world. They seem to come back each year even keener to to help us out again!

Adding to this wonderful level of support, our sponsors are all shining examples from the community of individuals and organisations committed to doing good.

Taking care of our printing needs

For 7 years now, the Wellington branch of has been one of our loyal sponsors. We feel fortunate to have their support. As their commitment to the Awards, covers all our printing needs for the Plain English Awards.

‘We see the Awards as being extremely important for supporting the government and business sectors as they continuously improve the way they communicate with the general public of New Zealand,’ says Nathan Jennings, business development manager at

Thank you for your ongoing support. We couldn’t do it without you and all our other friends!

Read about and our other sponsors

Become a sponsor


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Graphic Solutions believes clear design brings out the best in a communication. Photo by Crissy Jarvis on Unsplash

The Plain Language Awards owes a huge amount to design sponsor Graphic Solutions. This boutique Wellington-based design company has sponsored the Awards for many years now!

Craig Christensen is the inspired designer behind our favourite Awards catchcry ‘Who’s the clearest of them all?’ Craig has infused the Awards brand with bold colour and quirky, eye-catching icons.

Read Craig’s story behind the Awards branding

Craig has always been a keen supporter of clear communication and of the Awards, and says becoming a sponsor was an easy decision to make. He believes in the intimate link between clear communication and clear design, so he welcomed the opportunity to sponsor a cause so closely related to his professional practice.

Good design starts with good content. Clear, well-designed, and well-planned content means your messages get through with less effort.

We agree!

Read more about why Graphic Solutions chooses to sponsor the Awards

Posted In: 2021 Plain English Awards, Sponsors

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The Write team believes in the power of words for good. Photo by Jess O'Brien Photographer

Sister companies Write and WriteMark are the founding sponsors of the Plain English Awards — New Zealand’s celebration of clear communicators. With the Awards returning in 2021, both Write and WriteMark are renewing their support.

This year, Write has an extra-special reason to commit to the Awards. As Write has just become a certified B Corporation, CE Lynda Harris feels an even greater commitment to the Awards as yet another way of demonstrating impact in the world.

Lynda explains:

We believe that people have the ethical and democratic right to understand communications that are central to their lives — government forms, legal documents, financial applications and agreements, terms and conditions, and more.

Ultimately, we want people to be able to understand critical information easily, and to make key life decisions based on that information being as clear as possible.

Getting the plain language message out

The Awards celebrate the communicators who create clear, accessible documents and websites. And in doing so, the Awards help to share the message that we all benefit from plain language in so many ways.

Plain language enables us all to participate more easily in society and make important legal, financial, and health decisions based on better understanding. That’s got to be a good outcome!

Are you willing to join the call?

A plain language approach to communication means truly committing to putting customers and colleagues first — a culture-changing shift in how business and society operate. Our sponsors are joining the call for fairer, clearer communication from all sectors.

If you’re interested in supporting the 2021 Plain English Awards, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you, and we’d love to have you on our team.

Meet our sponsors

Become a sponsor

Posted In: 2021 Plain English Awards, Communications, Sponsorship

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Well done to our patron, Chloe, who was recognised as an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2021 New Year Honours List.

We couldn’t be more proud of our generous patron, Chloe Wright. In recognition of her enormous commitment to philanthropy, education, and health, Chloe was awarded an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit at the start of 2021.

An exemplar of kindness and care

In 1996, Chloe and her husband Wayne co-founded BestStart Educare, an early learning education organisation. BestStart is now New Zealand’s largest early learning organisation and is run under the Wright Family Foundation. This foundation provides funds and assistance to improve the educational, emotional, and psychological wellbeing of New Zealanders.

As well as carrying out her philanthropic work through the Wright Family Foundation, Chloe founded Birthing Centre in 2014, which now has four locations. Birthing Centre is a service offering extensive postnatal support to new mothers and their babies. Its vision is to work in partnership with families to effect an informed, active, and natural birthing experience.

Chloe is also patron of SuperGrans Aotearoa, Kids’ Lit Quiz, the New Zealand Spelling Bee … and of course the Plain Language Awards!

Chloe believes passionately in the goals of the Awards. She wants to see plain language as the norm in government and business communication — so that information is clear and easy to access for everyone.

Chloe’s enthusiasm for, and dedication to, all the causes she supports is truly remarkable. Congratulations, Chloe! We’re so grateful for her support as Awards patron.

Meet our Awards patron

Interested in sponsoring?

If you’re interested in supporting the Plain Language Awards, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you, and we’d love to work with you.

Please contact Hellie to find out about sponsor benefits at

Become a sponsor

Posted In: 2021 Plain English Awards, Social good, Sponsors, Sponsorship

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Great news! The Plain English Awards are back for 2021. Photo by Natalia Łyczko on Unsplash

Here’s the news we know lots of you have been waiting for — the Plain English Awards are back for 2021! They’ll look a little different this year, with a virtual ceremony and some new ways to share your inspiring work in clear communication.

Fresh Awards with a new theme

This year’s Awards will have the theme of Story. We’ll be inviting all entrants to share the stories behind their plain language projects in short videos. We’ll showcase your stories on the Awards website so that others can be inspired and enlightened by your work.

As Awards patron Chloe Wright puts it:

We need to be innovative and adapt to the current circumstances. I’m right behind the idea of sharing stories and as a storyteller myself, I will love reading of these experiences.

The Awards aim to bring plain language into common use and raise awareness in the community. So we hope the stories you share will show others the what, why, and how of your projects. You’ll get the opportunity to share what excites you about plain language, and the impact your work has had on the world.

Watch for more guidance soon on our Story theme.

All the familiar categories are back

We’ll have all categories available in 2021, including the two People’s Choice categories for Best Communication and the infamous Brainstrain.

Entries will open soon. Meanwhile put your thinking caps on and start creating the stories behind your potential entries.

Read about the 3-step process for entering the 2021 Awards

Take a note of these key dates

Here are the key dates we’ve planned so far for the 2021 Awards.

  • Mid-April: Video story submissions open
  • 1 June: Entries open
  • 2 August: Entries close
  • 16 September: Finalists announced
  • 14 October: Winners announced

Let’s keep in touch

Sign up to our newsletter for the latest news

And if you’re interested in sponsoring the 2021 Awards, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Melissa to find out about sponsor benefits at

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